Year 12 pupils that are on the Career Ready Programme attended a workplace visit at Phoenix and had the opportunity to meet their professional mentors, that will support them for the next 18-months. The day consisted of an icebreaking session were pupils got to find out about their mentor’s individual career pathway and share their own desires for their pathway. Pupils were also fortunate to get a tour of the impressive site which was surrounded by acres of Greenland and learned about all the benefits included if you are employed by the organisation. Our pupils heard from various employees about their pathways into the organisation, which consisted of apprenticeships, graduate schemes and people that started in a different area of the organisation and was able to develop through employee work schemes. Pupils who are on this bespoke and extremely unique programme benefit from receiving 1:1 meetings with their mentor each month who will support pupils overall career and employability development. Moreover, not only do pupils have a professional mentor to learn from, but they are also exposed to a series of workplace visits, masterclasses, and a 4-week paid internship at a prestigious organisation, which may also include a residential stay at a university, which will enable them to gain real-life insight of what their next steps could look like. Not only will this have a positive impact and aid in their decision -making, but it will also equip them to shape their futures for success.
As part of Character and exploring the big question 'where am I going next?' pupils are given the opportunity to meaningfully engage with employers and apprenticeship providers so they can make well informed decisions about their futures.
For more information and guidance about careers education at Ark St Alban's, you can email
More information about the Career Ready here:
More information about Phoenix here: