St Alban's Raise Money For Emergency Appeal

Pupils raise over £827 for Islamic Relief's Palestine Emergency Appeal
Islamic Relief Appeal

On Wednesday 20th December 2023, sixth form pupils held a whole-school fundraiser for Islamic Relief's Emergency Appeal.

Sixth form leader Rahil Asif outlines what took place and the virtues being displayed by pupils on the day:

"For this fundraiser we decided that we would conduct a non-uniform day where pupils and teachers were allowed to come into school wearing something other than uniform or professional dress, and give an optional donation which would go towards the Palestinian humanitarian cause.

Alongside the non-uniform day, we also conducted a very popular bake sale in which homemade baked goods were sold in order to raise more funds; a near endless supply of pakoras, samosas, bhajis, brownies, cookies and cakes - the school atrium smelled delicious! 

I would like to give a special thanks to my fellow pupil leaders: Hebah, Faheem, Amarah, Laiqa, Rahi, Wouaod, Abdifatah and Nadia for working so effectively together to make the fundraiser a huge succeess. Thank you also to everyone who donated.

We were determined to make a difference for those who are suffering. This was a collective display of showing compassion from our school community, demonstrating what we can achieve when we work together and live our school values."

You can find out more about Islamic Relief's Palestine Emergency Appeal here: