Year 12 had the pleasure of visiting KPMG which is one of the UK’s largest and best graduate employers (8th out of 100 in 2023). They participated in an activity where they had to be KPMG Consultants. They were tasked to work in small teams to think about different technologies to tackle and respond to a real-life KPMG client problem. They worked with employees at KPMG, that mentored and supported the pupils to respond to the business challenge. They explored the different ways that technology will be used in the workplace in future job roles. All groups had to pitch and present their ideas to the other teams and employees that were present. The pupils exercised their core skills in teamwork, problem solving, listening, leadership, staying positive and aiming high, which was linked to the Skills Builder framework. Pupils also had the opportunity of touring the offices which they were fascinated and impressed with all the plethora of departments within the organisation.
More information about KPMG can be found on their website or through the Unifrog careers platform, which all pupils have access to:
More information about Skills Builder here:
As part of Character and exploring the big question 'where am I going next?' pupils are given the opportunity to meaningfully engage with employers and apprenticeship providers so they can make well informed decisions about their futures.
For more information and guidance about careers education at Ark St Alban's, you can email