Year 6 Transition Day

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2031 tomorrow!
Transition Day

Tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd July) is Year 6 Transition Day where we will be welcoming all of the current Year 6 pupil who will be joining Year 7 in September.  

School will run as normal for pupils in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, but if you have friends or family with a child in Year 6 (or a Year 6 child yourself) who will be joining the school in September, please remind them that they should be attending school tomorrow at St Alban’s, and not at their primary school like usual.  

Year 6 pupils should aim to arrive for 8.30am so that their day can start promptly at 8.45am and Year 6 pupils will be dismissed at 2.30pm at the end of the day. If they wish to travel home with older siblings, that will be fine and somewhere for them to wait will be organised. 

Year 6 pupils visiting us tomorrow do not need to bring anything with them (lunch will be provided for them free of charge) and they should wear their primary school PE kit.