Community Group 25/10/2023

Discussing the topic: Why is school attendance important?
community group

Why is School Attendance Important? 

It was lovely to see so many of our parents this morning for our second community group of the academic year. 

Our Community Group is an informal opportunity to hear about your child's life at school, get to know other parents and meet the teachers who play a part in your child's school experience. 

The topic of this group was: Why is School Attendance Important?

Laurence Cole (Vice Principal) led the discussion and talked about the reason we encourage excellent attendance and the impact this can have on long term success and achievement. 

Together we explored the current picture of school attendance at Ark St Alban's Academy and discussed some of the excellent improvements achieved by working in partnership with parents. 

Our Community Group is open to any parent with a child attending Ark St Alban's Academy. Our schedule of events can be found on our Community Group page and if you have any questions please email