Year 13 Google Headquarters Trip

Year 13 pupils visit Google in London, a top 5 graduate employer
Year 13 pupils visit Google HQ

Year 13 pupils were fortunate to attend Google Headquarters in London, one of the UK's top graduate employers (5th in 2023).

Google invited pupils for an ‘Insight Day’ to inform and showcase the careers that they have available to offer. The day consisted of tours, talks, a Q&A, an interactive workshop, and a very tasty networking lunch. This was such an exciting opportunity to learn more about working at Google and in the sector. Here’s what some of our pupils said:

 “I wanted to share an amazing experience I recently had during a college trip to Google. It was an enlightening journey into the heart of innovation and inclusivity. During our visit, Google provided invaluable insights on crafting a professional CV. We learned how to highlight our skills, experience, and accomplishments effectively, and they even provided templates to get us started. This knowledge will undoubtedly be beneficial as we embark on our career journeys. What truly stood out, however, was Google's commitment to supporting people with disabilities. They showcased their adaptive technology and shared their dedication to making their products and workplaces more accessible. It was inspiring to witness the strides they are taking to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. But the experience wasn't complete without mentioning the legendary Google perks – the amazing free food! We had the chance to dine at one of their impressive cafeterias and enjoyed a wide array of delicious, complimentary meals. It's clear that Google values the well-being of its employees and creates a dynamic, collaborative work environment. In conclusion, the trip to Google was an eye-opening and enjoyable experience. Their commitment to education, inclusivity, and employee satisfaction is truly impressive. I look forward to applying the knowledge gained and hope to visit Google again in the future.” From Ahmed

“I was given the chance to visit the Google headquarters in London. I learned about the various jobs from this experience, as well as how to format a CV. I learned from this that even if my road to achievement may not be smooth, it doesn't mean I should give up. The various speakers were motivational and inspired me, giving me faith that anything is possible if I set my mind to it. I learned a lot from it and found it to be extremely enlightening. It also showed me how important it is to work towards creating a society where everyone, with or without disabilities, has access to everything. I appreciate the chance and wish we could have more motivating trips like this in the near future.” From Ruqayyah

“On my trip to Google, I learned that our career choices are not set in stone and that everyone has a unique path to follow to get to where they want to be, these paths might not be straight but eventually they lead you to the right place.” From Tariq

It was an incredible experience to see the building of google as it looked amazing. The most important takeaway I took from this day is essentially anyone can work for google if they put the effort in. I learnt that formatting CVs is important for recruiters as it will make it easier to read your CV and so more likely to get interviewed. Also, the formatting of CVs needs to stay consistent. An interesting aspect of google is the emphasis on accessibility.” From Sajid