Year 10 Young Enterprise Workshop

Year 10 pupils explore the big question 'where am I going next?' in a careers workshop led by Young Enterprise.
Pupils at event

Year 10 pupils participated in a workshop led by colleagues from Young Enterprise, a charity committed to helping young people succeed in the changing world of work. 

During the half day 'Learn to Earn' workshop, pupils learned how to manage their finances including how to budget and the role of taxation. They also had the chance to reflect on their 'dream' for the future, drawing on their values, priorities and interests.

Throughout the day, we welcomed ten guest speakers who shared their varied career journeys with our pupils. Pupils were able to ask the speakers questions and the speakers were able to help guide discussions about the career goals of pupils in small groups. 

As part of Character and exploring the big question 'where am I going next?' pupils are given the opportunity to meaningfully engage with employers and apprenticeship providers so they can make well informed decisions about their futures. 

For more information and guidance about careers education at Ark St Alban's, you can email

More information about Young Enterprise can be found here:

As part of our enrichment offer, the Young Enterprise Company Programme is currently running with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils, with some limited spaces remaining. Pupils and parents can contact Mr Harper ( for more information if they would like to participate.