Year 12 BTEC Business Pupils Lead The Way

BTEC Business pupils organise and lead a rewards event for Year 7
BTEC event

Ahmed Hussen (Year 12 pupil) writes about the event here: 

As part of our Unit 4 coursework, Year 12 BTEC Business hosted a sports event for Year 7 pupils with excellent attendance and behaviour. We hosted this event not only to congratulate the pupils, but also to promote fitness from an early age.

The event consisted of six different activities which included a sack race, egg & spoon race, skipping / star jumps, hit the target, dribbling and a penalty shoot-out.

The competition took place between the five different Year 7 forms. The form that completed the race in the shortest time was declared as the winner. The winning form was given a trophy to display in their form class and the six participants were given a medal each.

A massive congratulations to the Year 7 Snowdon team who had the shortest combined time of 4 minutes and 53 seconds. The 6 students who worked hard to win for their form class are Pedro, Hanan, Esra, Blessing, Ali, and Ahmad

As this was our first event, we came across many challenges, however, we overcame these challenges through collaborative working and good communication, which resulted in a successful event. We received positive feedback from our participants through a questionnaire which was handed out at the end of the event.

Our Team: 

  • Event Leader: Farah S

  • Administration Lead: Yahya O

  • Sub Leader: Rahi 

  • Finance Director: Ahmed 

  • Event Director: Yousf 

  • Catering: Mena, Amina

  • First Aid: Kazia, Mena

  • Supervisors: Aaminah, Abdullahi, Amina, Kazia, Abdullahi, Johnson, Rethwan

  • Resource Director: Abdullahi

  • Surveyor: Amina

  • Risk Assessment: Nimca 

  • Goal Keepers: Yousf, Mohammed, Abdullahi

  • Timers: Ahmed, Yahya, Rahi, Rethwan, Abdullahi

Thank you to all the staff who helped us prepare and all the students that participated in the event.