Year 13 Results Day 2024

Celebrating the achievements of our Year 13 pupils.
Results Handing-out

Last week we celebrated Year 13 results day with Year 13 pupils and their families. Our pupils were hugely successful and we are very proud of they achieved.

83% of the cohort achieved 3 a grade C or better in each of their subjects – the highest percentage the school has every previously achieved. As a result, almost all of our pupils have grades which open up meaningful pathways into higher education. Our vocational pathways (Business Studies and Applied Science) continued to lead the way in terms of securing pupil progress, with 97% of our BTEC cohort achieving DDM or better (the equivalent of 3Cs). In addition, English, History and RE secured 100% C+, with History seeing more than 75% of pupils achieving at least a grade B.

The excellent results our pupils achieved led to them securing places on some of the most competitive university courses both locally and across the country. 18 pupils gained places at Birmingham University and a further 38 gained places at Aston. In addition, pupils will be heading to prestigious universities such as Warwick, Exeter and Sussex.

You can read the report about Year 13 results day at Ark St Alban’s Academy on the Birmingham Live website:

We are incredibly pleased that their hard work has paid off and we are looking forward to hearing about their future successes at university and beyond.  

To find out more about getting a place in our sixth form, attend our open evening at 4pm on Wednesday 2nd October at 4pm or visit: